Sunday, March 18, 2012

American Dream Part 2

     So this may be the first time many of you are viewing my blog, so I begin again with my purpose for creating it.  I am entering a new chapter in my financial life, while I may bring it up as a discussion topic, this blog is not about finding more ways to be frugal or find the best deal.  I am not an expert at that, nor do I have the best impulse control.  I am pretty good at staying within our means and for the next year our goals are to pay off debts in a way that improves our credit and helps us gain ground financially.  The first entry is about our history and this is to bring us to where I am now.

     The next step was James applying for jobs and getting out of the Army, hence: "Goodbye Army Wife."  While he still had not found a position come around January, we decided it would be best to move HOME.  I know, who says you can't go back?  I felt it was imperative for my children to grow up around family.  As it so happens, I firmly believe that G-d does as well.  While it was a long scary road, me in a difficult and demanding job, and James searching for one, just about anything in his field.  Once I started looking outside for another position, I got a great job with an incredible ad value centered company.  For James, it was a position he was under qualified for, where he applied just to get one more that week for his unemployment as pickings were slim that week.  That was the lead he landed.  In the matter of a few months, we went from barely scraping by on my income to James making almost double.  This is when our plan for me to continue to work for the next year or two, maybe even see if my remaining classes could be covered by American Express, and pay off most of our debts (The big student loan will have to wait). 

      So this brings us to the present.  My first endeavor over the next few years is to become debt free.  My next challenge, also involving money, is taking care of my sister.  For those of you that know the situation I was to assure you that so far I have been met with cooperation and acceptance on her part and only hope this will continue.  I will be helping facilitate her moving to her own apartment.  Taking over her bills and giving her a weekly allowance.  The toughest part will be me having to tell her no and her having to accept it.  So far she has been willing to make some tough choices, she has had some small wins and some big let downs, but is taking it very well.  I think her toughest challenge will be not asking to borrow money once she has spent hers.  Mom and dad have been unable to say no, even for small things, or especially the small things, but it all adds up.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers from time to time, hoping my sister can learn and grow from these experiences and that things only get better from here.

  Thanks for listening to my story, cheers to good health and financial wealth!


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