Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Time Marches On

    It has been a while since I have posted.  We have had a lot going on trying to get unpacked, organized for school, getting into a routine for school.  We have been doing well on most of those things. I am really pleased with the way homeschooling has been going and glad to say I have remained flexible to let our day progress even if we get of the planned schedule and we are still usually done by lunchtime! I will talk more about homeschooling over time and you will get tire of it I am sure, but that is not the reason for my post today.

   Almost 7 years ago I entered the amazing, crazy world of parenthood.  I cannot believe my first born is about to be seven.  He has grown and matured so much that sometimes we place unreal expectations on him.  I am working on that.  He was and is a quirky, sweet, and thoughtful kid, my Bugaboo.  I am glad to get the opportunity to watch him love to learn, and excited to report that he is starting to love to read after only two weeks of home schooling and some of the tricks I learned from other great homeschooling moms out there.  I wanted to share these with you tonight as this is going to be a hectic week and I had some time: 

Riley James through the years

Riley, you are an amazing boy, a kind and loving big brother.  Your sisters are going to look up to you and measure other boys by your example.  I am proud to be your Mom.  Happy 7th Birthday.

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